domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010


este ultimo coso:
dibujo: damian gomez
color: ivan olszevicki

lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010

Volviendo a los pinceles.

Volviendo a los acrilicos; algo que se venia haciendo pedir hace rato.

Going back to acrilics, said the dog to the cat. Acrilics? said the cat. Of course, said the dog. Should I eat them? Well, you may, but you also may study Biology Engenieering insted, and become the next cat to change human history. I'm a cat, said the cat. You're a cat... said the dog... I shall eat you now. Fair enough. ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñam.